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Canterbury Market set for summer 2024 reopening - but traders accuse council of pricing them out of returning

05:00, 18 April 2024

updated: 06:49, 19 April 2024

Stallholders look set to snub the return of Canterbury’s historic market, claiming new pitch fees are too expensive.

The almost 700-year-old attraction is due to relaunch in its traditional spot in St George’s Street this summer after being axed two years ago by the former Conservative council.

The market was scrapped by council bosses in 2022, when the authority was Conservative-run
The market was scrapped by council bosses in 2022, when the authority was Conservative-run

But some former traders say the cost of renting a space at the restored market is pricing them out of considering a return.

Others say they are now established at individual spots elsewhere in the city centre under cheaper street trading licences.

Previously, a standard market pitch fee cost £49.18 a day, but this has increased by 10% to £54.10, with a large pitch fee rising from £73.77 to £81.15.

Since the twice-weekly market was disbanded, many of the former stallholders have been operating as street traders elsewhere in the city, paying £31.63 a day.

Some argue the new market fees are far too high given the attraction has not been operational for two years and will have to establish itself once again. They say a fee closer to £40 would be much fairer.

Former Canterbury Market Traders' Association chairman Steve Bamber
Former Canterbury Market Traders' Association chairman Steve Bamber

Steve Bamber, a prominent trader in the city and the former chairman of the Canterbury Market Traders’ Association, says the council has ignored their concerns and priced many out of a potential return to the market.

“Not only is the market’s return a non-starter, but it’s clearly wasting council tax payers’ money,” he added.

The market was axed in 2022 ahead of a £1 million project to regenerate St George’s Street, which was completed last year.

The controversial decision by the former Tory administration was widely chastised by opposition parties, who pledged to restore the market should they gain power.

Now, with a Labour-Lib Dem administration in place, the city council is gearing up to relaunch the attraction this summer and is currently recruiting a £32,000-a-year manager to oversee its operation.

Jewellery maker Attilio Termine at his street trading stall in Canterbury
Jewellery maker Attilio Termine at his street trading stall in Canterbury

The authority argues the 10% hike in pitch fees is in line with most other increases introduced as part of the latest budget on April 1.

But jewellery-maker Attilio Termine, who had a stall at the market for 10 years, is minded to stay street trading.

“I have a great street pitch here opposite Mercery Lane with a view of the Cathedral and lots of footfall, and now people know where I am, trade has been good,” he said.

“To be honest, the new fees for the market are too steep and I also have greater flexibility.

“I don’t think there would be any advantage for me to go back.”

Lyn Thompsett's wool and knitting stall in Canterbury High Street
Lyn Thompsett's wool and knitting stall in Canterbury High Street

Also likely to stay put with a street pitch for her wool and knitting stall is Lyn Thompsett, who runs Lyn’s Superknit in the high street.

The 70-year-old, who learned to knit in the Brownies, had a market stall for nine years until it closed.

“I’m just not prepared to pay the new prices they are asking,” she said.

Another snubbing a return is Ray Jordan, who runs Raymondo’s in Longmarket, selling pictures and signs and also offering a framing service.

“It’s too much money,” he said.

Supporters led a campaign to save Canterbury Market
Supporters led a campaign to save Canterbury Market

“They really need to offer us some sort of peppercorn rent to get the thing established again.

“I don’t have the best street pitch but I’ve been here a year and customers can find me now.”

Despite the issues raised, Canterbury City Council maintains good progress is being made towards bringing the attraction back.

Labour and council leader Alan Baldock told KentOnline it is important the authority has everything in order before the market relaunches.

“We're taking our time to make sure when the market opens it's successful and it meets the needs of the community that it serves, and it's taking a little while to make sure that happens,” he said.

Labour’s Cllr Alan Baldock, leader of Canterbury City Council
Labour’s Cllr Alan Baldock, leader of Canterbury City Council

“Street trading pitches and market pitches are not the same - they come with different criteria.

“There's a considerable cost to go with the market that isn't there with street trading, so they're not like-for-like and having the regularity of the market comes at a cost.

“There are no plans to stop street trading. They can choose to street trade if they wish going forward and there's also the offer for them to be on the market.

“There’s been good interest and we'll open the market in time for the summer when we're fully ready to go.”

A consultation by the city council into the market's return found there is support for the attraction.

It was previously held on Wednesdays and Fridays, but will only operate on Wednesdays when it is reintroduced.

A spokesperson for the city council told KentOnline: "We carried out a full consultation on the market plans as part of the budget process and all comments made during that were taken into account when councillors met to take the final decision on the council budget for this financial year.

"While it was not possible to incorporate everyone's opinions in the final arrangements for the market, it was a valuable consultation and we thank all those who contributed.

"We are currently in the middle of the process to recruit a new market manager, which we committed to doing in the budget process, and look forward to updating residents on the plans for the market in due course."

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