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Pfizer task force sets out its jobs-boosting plans

08:21, 15 March 2011

updated: 08:22, 15 March 2011

Pfizer site
Pfizer site

by Paul Francis and Trevor Sturgess

It has been confirmed that Pfizer is in talks to sign contracts with research firms that could keep jobs at its doomed plant in Sandwich.

A taskforce set up to examine a new future for the site published its first report today.

It lists a package of key demands, including an enterprise zone giving tax and planning breaks, a Manston Parkway station, and aid with recovery and growth.

It calls for swift action to preserve skilled jobs that might otherwise leave the county if decisions are delayed.

It confirms what KentOnline revealed several weeks ago that Pfizer is holding talks with so-called contract research organisations (CROs).

But the drugs giant has declined to comment publicly on the behind-the-scenes activity which it claims is “commercial in confidence”.

There are hopes that enough CROs will sign to save jobs and keep research, much of it commissioned by Pfizer, at Sandwich.

The taskforce hopes these CROs will attract similar enterprises to the site which will further boost economic activity and jobs.

Again, as revealed exclusively on KentOnline last week, the Government is being urged to back an enterprise zone - a so-called Research, Innovation and Technology Zone (RITZ) - covering Sandwich, Manston and other parts of East Kent. This would give businesses tax and planning breaks.

It also wants an East Kent Recovery and Growth Package and improved transport links between London and East Kent, principally a Manston Parkway station to give access to high-speed trains.

At a launch event in the House of Commons earlier today, Cllr Carter said: “Our report focuses on the opportunities presented by the world class skills and facilities built by Pfizer over the last 60 years. Combined, they offer a unique asset on which to build a new model of high tech growth and employment which would be of importance not only to Kent, but to the country.

“Time is of the essence. The taskforce has brought together experts from business, finance, universities, politics and local government. We have sought to understand best practice from around the UK and the world in developing workable solutions which will deliver our vision of growth in this unique and historic area.

“We will leave no stone unturned in stimulating new business at the Pfizer site and growing wider employment opportunities to help Pfizer staff, local contractors and the local community.”

Laura Sandys, South Thanet MP and a member of the taskforce looking to secure a high-tech future for the Pfizer site at Sandwich, has called on the Government to sustain momentum in its rescue plans.

Speaking at the launch of its first 30-day report this morning, she said it marked an ambitious and necessary step following Pfizer’s withdrawal from the site after 60 years.

She backed the call for a Research, Innovation and Technology Zone, saying it would help stabilise the site and create new employment opportunities.

“This aspiring proposition could see Sandwich and East Kent building on its existing skills base and leading the way in global enterprise, science and technology,” she said.

“To realise this vision, Government must sustain its momentum. It could consider offering economic incentives to businesses relocating to the site and might also acknowledge that improving transport links to Thanet and Deal would make East Kent far more attractive to investors.

“Along with my colleagues on the taskforce and local MPs, I will work tirelessly to attract new businesses to the site and support existing Pfizer staff with any business start up ideas they might have.”

Sandwich site head Ruth McKernan called the options positive and well-considered.

She said: “Our immediate priority is to continue to support our staff through this transition which we are doing through training and outplacement events, as well as to continue our discussions with third parties that could help provide some jobs to meet the skills and expertise of our colleagues and help sustain the future of the Sandwich site.”

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