Owners urged to have a heart for their pets
15:27, 10 October 2008
It's not just humans who suffer from heart disease.
Your pets could also be at risk, even if they are showing no symptoms.
The high prevalence of the disease among domestic cats and dogs has prompted Sandhole Veterinary Centre, Snodland, to run a healthy hearts month.
Breeds such as cavalier King Charles spaniels, boxers and Maine coon cats are all at high risk.
Veterinary surgeon Ian Johnson said: “Fifteen per cent of dogs show some evidence of heart disease and as they get older this can increase to 30 per cent.
“It’s also a big problem with cats because they don’t show any symptoms until the last minute.”
The practice, in Malling Road, is offering a full heart check for for dogs and cats for £10 throughout October. Call 01634 242502.