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Reality show Swampy's Island life

11:16, 28 May 2008

The original Shipwreckers - Swampy Barrie Ridley is on the far right in the back row
The original Shipwreckers - Swampy Barrie Ridley is on the far right in the back row

Barrie 'Swampy’ Ridley beat 80,000 people to make it onto Channel 4’s hit show Shipwrecked. In this weekly column, he shares his experiences with EMMA GROVE

In last Sunday’s episode of Shipwrecked, new arrivals Ricky and Rowan had to choose which island they wanted to live on.

After spending equal time on the Sharks and the Tigers, they eventually chose to live on Tiger island.

Although this was a disappointment to the Sharks, they were not that surprised as when both the lads came over they admitted they were already Tigers.

Barrie said: “Rowan had had a talk with Danny as he started thinking he might be more of a Shark and Danny told us, so we decided to work on Rowan as we knew we had no chance with Ricky.

“When they picked Tigers we were disappointed but also relieved as if they had picked us we would have had a hard time picking as we knew neither of them were 100 per cent Sharks.

“Rowan would probably have fitted in best though.”

Last Sunday’s episode also saw a big show down between Sharks Tom, Lauren and Keris.

Lauren decided to have a chat with Tom, backed up by the other Shark girls, about how she felt he has been ignoring her and not made the effort to get to know her.

After a heated argument, Tom made the observation that Lauren hasn’t made any effort either.

However, Tom managed to make himself quite unpopular when he told Keris she is a 'blank canvas’ and he has no interest in getting to know her.

Barrie said: “Lauren does create drama and arguments for the sake of it, but the Keris situation was different.

“I remember that day in camp, we were all treading on egg shells, but I did feel for Keris as she takes everything to heart – Tom let himself down by saying that.

“Tom had a word with some of us, and we told him it was out of order and so he apologised to Keris.”

With a little insight into what is coming up, Barrie tells us there are still some more arguments to come involving Lauren and she manages to drag some of the other Sharks in as well.

The biggest teaser Barrie gives us is that in the coming weeks, Shark Adam commits a big rule break.

He decides to swim to Tiger island, which, as long as he doesn’t set foot on the island and stays in the water, is not actually a rule break in itself.

But Adam didn’t know that by not wearing his Shark necklace, he had broken the rules.

At the beach party the following week, the Tigers are told they have to choose one of the Sharks to come and live with them for three weeks as punishment for Adam’s rule break.

Lauren wants them to pick her, and the Sharks discover she has been whispering to the Tigers for a few weeks that she wants to come across to their island.

Barrie wouldn’t tell us who has to leave Shark island for three weeks, but he said: “The only person who wanted to go was Lauren, and it’s not her. The person who does get chosen is completely gutted.”

Barrie also tells us that in the coming weeks the Sharks decide to send a spy over to Tiger island.

He said: “At the beach party one of us pretends we want to nominate to Tigers, and we all have to put on our acting faces and look like it’s a big shock to hear that.

“So that week we lose two people to the Tigers.”

Lastly, the end of the episode showed new arrivals Jamie and Adelina arriving.

After spending equal time on both islands, they finally choose Sharks at the end of a week.

Barrie tells us: “As soon as Jamie gets off the boat, he comes across as really arrogant and is always saying how good looking he is.

“His luxury item is hair gel and he gets told off by the crew because he keeps looking into the camera as he can see his reflection – but he is a really nice guy.

“Adelina seems quite quiet at first and it takes a while for her to come out of herself.

“It was a hard decision for us as we thought Jamie might put off new arrivals, but once you get to know him he is a good laugh, but Adelina really wanted the experience although not all of us bonded with her.”

To find out who the Sharks pick to stay you will have to tune into Sunday’s episode of Shipwrecked.

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