Residents in Sandwich fed-up with people parking inconsiderately in St Bart's Road
00:01, 16 August 2015
Residents in Sandwich have raised concerns about inconsiderate parking in St Bart’s Road.
They say too many cars are parking at the junction with New Street and Fordwich Place and blocking the view of the road, meaning motorists have to drive on the wrong side of the road when turning.
Jo Ledley, 31, of Woodnesborough Road, said: “There needs to be double yellow lines there as people obviously don’t have common sense, parking so close to the end of the road.
“It is a busy junction. Buses have to pull out on the wrong side of the road, cars turning into the road are having trouble as there are cars having to wait on the wrong side.
“Sometimes there are five or more parked up, making it difficult to see if there is anything coming.
“Also they are parking up Fordwich Place, again right on the junction.
“I’m surprised that there hasn’t been an accident yet.
“We had to wait on the wrong side of the road on Saturday
not knowing what was going to come round the corner and we had a baby in the car. I wasn’t very happy.”
Gavin Turp, 38, of Burch Avenue, said it’s getting worse as people try to find free places to park.
He said: “It’s a blind bend. You can’t see cars parked until the last second.
“It’s a hazard. People cross that road all the time.
“I feel it’s getting worse due to the knock-on effect due to no free parking.
“The council will say there is but they issue parking permits to locals which they use to park in town within their home reach.”
This means those wanting to visit Sandwich are parking elsewhere, such as St Bart’s Road.
Mrs Ledley posted a picture of the parking on Facebook which had more than 30 comments, including another picture of a note left on a parked car calling the owner selfish.
Mr Turp said it was ironic Sandwich had so many traffic wardens but the parking was so bad. He agreed with other residents that double yellow lines are needed.