A-level results from across Thanet
12:41, 17 August 2017
There's plenty of celebrating going on in Thanet today as pupils collect their A-level results.
At Chatham & Clarendon Grammar School, staff and pupils are celebrating a 'bumper set of A level results for the sixth year in a row'.
With a pass rate of over 98%, 26% of results at A* and A standard and 53& at A*-B, headteacher Debra Liddicoat says she is very pleased.
She said: "Students should be very proud of these results and the hard work which went in to achieving them.
"Nobody should underestimate just how rigorous A level courses are and the amount of hard work necessary by both students and staff over the two years, in order to ensure students have every opportunity to achieve their potential.
"I'm really pleased. The students seem very happy .
"They have all clearly worked very hard and they've got the results they deserved."
With many of the teenagers off to university in just a few weeks time, Mrs Liddicoat is hoping they will all carry on their hard work.
"My message to them is work hard!
"Take all the opportunities that you're offered and have a great time."
Amy Clayton, who achieved three A* and two A grades and is going to read engineering at Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
She said: "I worked hard all year, a bit more so towards the end. "Engineering has been something I have wanted to do for three or four years and Cambridge seemed like the best place to do it."
Elmira Mustafajeva got one A*, four A grades and one B, which she said was unexpected.
She is going off to read Biochemistry (Molecular & Cellular at Lincoln College, Oxford.
She said: "I found out my results this morning on UCAS. I am very pleased as it was a bit unexpected."
Charlie Wilkening also has a place at Lincoln College, Oxford, to study French and Spanish.
He achieved one A*, one A and one B.
He said: "I am pleased with my results but of course I would have liked A*, A*, A* - but that wasn't going to happen!"
The Charles Dickens Schools is also delighted with A level exam results, with a 100% pass rate this year.
Pupils achieved 100% A*-E grade and 100% pass rate at BTEC courses where 57% od results were distinction * in at least one subject.
Richard Morgan, head of the school, said: "I am really delighted for all our students who have worked so hard to achieve these excellent results.
"The examinations are not getting any easier and it is so rewarding for students, staff and parents when all their hard work in justly rewarded with a fantastic set of results.
"The school would like to thank all staff for their hard work and all parents and Governors for their continued support without with, such excellent results and student achievements would not be possible."
Ella Gerlack (D*,B,C) and Emily Dulson (D*, C, C) secured their first choice to study Sociology at CCCU.
Ellen Lee achieved D* in Sports and Business and will be accepting her first choice studying Sports Therapy at the University of Kent.
Tia Perkins (D*, D*, B) was successful in securing her first choice to study Criminology at the University of Kent
The Royal Harbour Academy is celebrating another excellent set of sixth form results for its pupils.
90% of pupils who studied the International Baccalaureate Career-Related Programme passed the qualification and 100% of students passed their BTEC qualifications.
Headteacher, Simon Pullen, was delighted with the results.
He said: “I am pleased with all the results and especially the success with the International Baccalaureate.
"In our third year of sitting the qualification not only did we have a very good pass rate but Maths Studies, Social and Cultural Anthropology and IT in a Global Society all had average grades above the world average.”
There were some excellent individual performances too.
Georgia Wilshaw passed the IBCP gaining D*D*D* in BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care, a 5 in both Maths Studies and Social and Cultural Anthropology and a B grade in her Reflective Project.
Georgia is going on to study Social Work at Canterbury Christ Church.
She said “I am extremely happy and proud of my results, I have had a fantastic Sixth Form experience.
"Outside of lessons I’ve had the opportunity to participate in great experiences such as work experience at Margate hospital and Age UK.
"I have also gained other qualifications whilst at Sixth Form such as a level 2 qualification in using a defibrillator and certification in First Aid.
"I am going to miss the teaching staff at The Royal Harbour Academy and the whole Sixth Form life however I feel fully equipped and am excited about my next challenge at University.”
Ollie Donohoe, head of sixth form, said: “I am pleased with the results and am very proud that along with the good grades, all those students who have applied to university have won a place.
"Whether the students are going to University, starting an apprenticeship or going straight into employment, they are equipped with the qualifications and skills to be highly successful post 18."
St Lawrence College is again celebrating an increase in top A Level grades, following on from last year’s success, with 30% of all grades at A*/A.
Amongst the top grades were Stephen Dolan, who with four A* grades is off to Oxford University to study Engineering, and Hajin Dho, who with A*A*A grades will be studying Medicine.
Krissy Boon will be taking up a place at Sussex studying Medical Neuroscience after securing A*A*A grades, and Lexie Dahms achieved the rare distinction of an A* in both French and Spanish, and will be studying Modern Languages at Durham.
Last year’s Head of School, Flora Liu, will take up her place at King’s College, London, after gaining five A Levels, including one in Japanese that she took for fun.
Principal Antony Spencer said: “These great results are the culmination of years of hard work by pupils and staff and, as well as the excellent results by the most able, I applaud the achievements of all those getting their results today.
"We have pupils with a range of ability but 77% gained at least one A*-B grade, giving them greater choice when it comes to the next stage of their studies."